Ye Olde Inn


"Welcome, Traveler,"

says a tall figure stepping out of the doorway almost directly in front of you. The individual is heavily cloaked, and has the hood pulled up to protect from the heavy downpour. (S)he nods affably, and then walks briskly down the narrow street.

You look in the door, which was left open by the departing patron. The first thing to catch your attention is a large fire, merrily crackling in a tiled fireplace and inviting you in from the unfriendly weather.

Next, you see the reflections of the lantern flames dance on the polished surfaces of a nice assortment of silver steins lined up on the mantle shelf over the fireplace.

Your eye travels to one side, where behind a worn but spotless counter you see a neat but slightly rotund innkeeper busily polishing spoons. Behind the innkeeper are shelves of pottery bearing a brightly cheerful floral pattern.

Your eye travels to the other side of the fireplace as you begin to enter. You see several tables, surrounded by patrons of many races and professions: large barbarians, a scattering of humans, those known as high elves, their spunkier cousins the wood elves, a few members of a proud feline race, stocky dwarves, smaller gnomes, and even a scattering of the cheerful halflings.

Some wear the heavy plate armor of knights or warriors; others wear chain mail of differing varieties. Members of less combatant professions, or those who are staying longer from the fray, wear leathers dyed many differing hues ... or simple cloth. A few wear the flowing robes favored by clergy or students of mysteries.

Some read quietly, some chatter amiably among themselves; a few quietly play various card, dice or board games. One or two folks appear to be lost in thought, another dozes and you think you might hear him snoring softly.

At first you cannot figure why, but it seems there is something different here ... something unusual. You look around you again, sensing nothing sinister, but the sense of something a little strange persists.

At last you realize what is so unusual...

Almost entirely absent from this establishment are members of the dark races. You also begin to realize that there are none of the rougher types around, the ones that make so many inns into unpleasant places to visit.

You marvel at this unusual situation, and wonder how it is that this place is so quiet, so peaceful ... you wonder if this is a temporary situation or if it is characteristic of this place.

You realize belatedly that the pouring rain prevented your looking up to read the sign over the door, so you don't know the name of this inn. You briefly consider stepping back out to cure that oversight, but the firelit inn is much nicer than the downpour outside.

Making a decision, you close the door behind you and step farther inside. You continue looking around you, and considering. Yes, you think to yourself, it is peaceful here. Unusually so, in these times of strife and turmoil.

You find yourself wondering why, what makes this place different. You still wonder if this peace is temporary, like an illusion that will wear off.

By this time you have walked forward enough to attract the attention of the innkeeper. He nods amiably, smiling a friendly smile. You are mildly amused to discover that his smile doesn't set off your internal merchant warnings. He seems content to let you warm yourself by the fire.

Suddenly you notice something new. You walked into an air pathway that carries mouth-watering aromas of a busy kitchen where the staff obviously knows their craft. You glance at the posted notice of prices, and find them both reasonable and within your means.

Looking again at the tables, you see that while there are plenty of patrons, the place is not overcrowded. There are places at a handful of tables, and a small table or two that are unattended.

Choosing a place to your liking, you sit down, loosen your cloak, and begin anticipating a little quiet time of rest from your journeys.

You notice a few narrow books stacked on a shelf nearby. Each appears to have only a person's name as its title.

Selecting one at random, you open it and begin to read...


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